The YEMI AND BUKOLA ADASOFUNJO FOUNDATION focuses on two primary goals. First, we partner with high-quality non-profit organizations seeking to break the grip of generational poverty by providing basic needs, educational opportunities, and health care to our community. Second, as employment opportunities are critical to economic security, we support institutions and resources that attract and encourage businesses to locate and expand within Atlanta and Georgia. With a vision deeply rooted in these two goals, the Foundation supports and encourages lasting change through strategic grant investments.
We envision a world where compassion knows no bounds and solidarity transcends barriers. We strive to create a society where every person is empowered to reach their full potential, regardless of their circumstances. By raising awareness, mobilizing resources, and fostering community engagement, we aim to build a brighter future for all.
Organizations that provide for basic human needs, including food, shelter, and clothing, and those that provide legal assistance and support the assimilation of immigrants.
Organizations that provide and enhance educational initiatives, ranging from early childhood education to adult continuing education, including colleges and universities, and training for people with disabilities.
Organizations that provide access to quality medical, mental, and dental care for those who otherwise wouldn’t have it.